Thursday, December 27, 2012

Module 2 Assignment: Emerging Technology Tetrad



  1. Hi Shannon,
    I read your comment that you left for Charee. The document camera is a wonderful tool that can address diverse learning styles. I use it as part of my daily instruction. No matter what you are teaching and you want your students to have a visual the document camera is ideal and gets your point across to your students. If you enjoy using the LCD projector you will love the document camera. Are any teachers in your school using the document camera as part of their instruction?

    1. Cora,
      I am aware of at least one teacher who uses a document camera within her classroom lessons. I have seen it being used durin Professionl Trainings, but I have not actually utilized it within my classroom setting. I will definitely try it out. Thanks for the feedback. Shannon~

  2. Shannon,

    Our school used Title 1 funds to purchase document cameras for every classroom teacher. With classroom sizes growing, the overhead projector was in the way. I like how the document camera is compact and is able to sit on top of a desk and does not take up space like the overhead projector. You mentioned the document camera having microscopic capabilities. I tend to agree. I like being able to zoom-in on small objects which allows my students to see details that they probably would see to the naked eye.
